Prayer Plants need a lot of water. If you are using a moisture meter you will want to get to a 3. Their leaves curl up like a taco if it needs water.
These fussy plants prefer medium light because too much light will scorch them. They are shade loving plants.
They would prefer a North Window because any direct light is not good for them.
Easy Scale
Prayer Plants are not easy because of their humidity requirements and light requirements.
They prefer an all purpose potting soil.
How often should you re-pot
You should re-pot these plants every 4 to 6 years because their roots are very delicate and tend to grow a bit slowly.
Growth Scale
Medium depending on what plant in the Prayer Plant family because they all have different growth speeds.
They will do best in a plastic pot because like a terra-cotta due to the fact it will dry out to fast.
The main pests Prayer Plants get are spider mites and mealy bugs.
Calathea, Stromanthe, and Ctenanthe can only be divided, but Maranta can be cut at the bump which is the node and be put in water and will grow roots.
There roots are very thin and delicate so be careful when re-potting them.
Prayer Plants require 55% to 80%+ to thrive.
These plants are not toxic to kids or humans.
Calathea Zebrina
Calathea Warscewiczii
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https://youtu.be/mvsT3LSX1e4 (Prayer Plant Care)
Instagram: Derek's Indoor Jungle