Common Name
Mini Monstera, Philodendron Ginny, Philodendron Piccolo.
Mini Monstera's like to dry out between watering's almost completely and their leaves get a light green when they want a drink.
This plant can handle Low Light but prefers Medium or High Indirect light a little morning direct sun will be okay for this plant.
The best window for this plant is an East or North window but will do well in West or South, for west 3 feet back and for South 5 feet back this can vary by how big the window is and how hot the sun is where you live. I live in Iowa in the US.
Easy Scale
These plans are easy to take care of they do not require too much water but still tell you when they want water they are verbal.
All-purpose potting soil is just great and they will thrive on it.
How often you should repot
Mini Monstera's will need to be repotted at most every two years in the right conditions.
Growth Scale
Philodendron Ginny's are fast so watch out they will take over your house.
Plastic or a Tera-Cotta pot will be the pot it will thrive in.
Mini Monstera gets spider mites very badly so watch that foliage and if they get them put that plant under the shower and pull out the neem oil.
For this plant cut under the node and put in water or soil. Division is also an effective method.
Philodendron Ginny has a very strong and hardy root system so do not be so protective about their roots.
Rhaphidophara can take very low humidity but prefer around 50%.
These plants are toxic so please keep them away from your pets and child/Children.