The Dumb Cane is a very common houseplant. It has been around for centuries. This plant can be very dangerous though, and I recommend that you burn this plant after reading this post.
Okay I have no problem with toxic plants. Most of the plants I own are toxic, but this plant is different. This plant can do all kinds of things form itchy rashes to blinding you. I am not joking this plant can cause temporary or permanent blindness if you get it in your eye. The Dieffenbatchia can also restrict your ability to speak. Its been said on the internet that this plant has was used in war time to shut people up so they could not talk. This plant has stinging crystals called Raphides.
The Dumb Can can also cause severe redding and itching. It is known to irritate the throat and neck. The scary part it that these plants are everywhere. You can find these in your local dentist office. They are commonly in offices and houses. This is the type of plant you can buy at your local big box store! These plants are especially dangerous to kids and pets. When I found out how toxic these plants were I was afraid to touch it. I put mine on the top shelf of my room and neglected it. However I did not want to leave it their to dye because of they sap. These plants also like to sweat (guttation). Those little water droplets on the leaves in the morning is their dangerous sap. Many plants do this. It is not unusual but the sap of this plant can hurt you badly. I ended up burning mine so my dog would not get ahold of it. That being said I never have had any reaction to it. Some people are fine but others are not. Even if you have never had a problem before I am asking you to be very careful when handling this plant!
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